Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I made this soup with a ton of extra, raw garlic in it for my sick mommy today:

I love it! So simple, yet so awesome! I was walking around the farmer's market today with Graham, in need of some divine inspiration of what soup to make for my mommy, until finally the voice of the luscious zucchini and corn called to me and let me remember this recipe. Brilliant!

I must remember to get some cherries next time I go to the farmer's market though. They will only be around for the next month.

I just also want to note what a great weekend it's been (such a nice end to a very challenging work week)!

Big Dance, Lacey, THE violin, seeing our old friend Jim in Santa Cruz, old college friends, kambucha on tap, the baby chick story (everyone and anyone MUST come ask me about this story!), delicious zucchini/basil soup, beautiful farmer's market produce, Ananda, swing dancing to live music at the farmer's market, Macie, my birthday present earrings from Lacey, new friends, feeling like me again!


Lacey said...

I want to know the baby chick story! I have a baby chick story, too. :)
I do love springtime and all the baby animals that are out and about and exploring their new world. :)