Monday, March 15, 2010

Inspired By Joshua Pumpkin Soup

Joshua gave me the idea for this yummy soup, and I made it with Cassie last night. I love it!

1. Saute some garlic and lemon grass in sesame oil.
2. Strain the garlic and lemon grass bits when done.
3. Add SOME of the flavored oil to pumpkin puree (save some of the oil to saute the greens), and put it all in a pot.
4. Add a can of coconut water to the pot.
5. With the saved oil saute up an onion and some chopped greens (I used chard and mustard greens, as well as some broccoli flowers. You could probably use any greens that you had around that looked yummy.).
6. Add the greens/onion to the pot.
7. Eat your yummy soup! I enjoyed adding lime juice to my bowl as I ate it.