Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Becoming a Love Magnet!

Top ten things to do and remember to manifest your soul mate:
(Written By Arielle Ford)

1. Be the loving person that you are. Find ways to express more love to everyone in your life.
2. Live in the knowingness that you are in a loving, committed relationship.
3. Live that truth every day as you savor the waiting for your beloved to arrive.
4. Create a “vision map” of your romantic vision and look at it daily.
5. Write a list of the most important qualities your soul mate will possess.
6. Heal your heart of any past hurts that will prevent you from magnetizing big love.
7. Clear out the clutter in your home and create space for your beloved (especially in your closets).
8. Create an altar in the relationship corner of your home.
9. Listen to your intuition to take action when opportunities present themselves.
10. Fall in love with yourself. Know that you are lovable.

Article in full here.