Sunday, August 09, 2009

I feel guilty

This is what I feel guilty about:

1. Using excessive amounts of plastic (especially beverage containers that I use once and then throw away).

2. The homeless people on the street that I don't give enough/any money to, or even smile at.

3. Driving!

4. Not calling/visiting my Dad more often.

5. Buying a meditation cushion and never using it to meditate.

6. Not being nicer, more respectful, or patient with my Mom.

7. Not playing with my dog enough.

8. Being neglectful of my childhood pet bunnies.

9. Accidentally "boiling" my pet tropical fish when I was a kid, and unknowingly turned the heater up too high.

10. All of the animal suffering I cause by eating eggs and dairy, and all of the previous animal suffering I caused when I ate meat.

11. The rare, yet significant times when I don't recycle.

12. Not spending enough time petting and loving on my cat.

13. The food that I end up wasting because I don't get a chance to eat it fast enough.

14. Not saving more of my paycheck.

15. The times when I have lied, particularly to my parents.


Tandava said...

Fair enough. But now you have to make a post of things you feel proud about. And it has to be at least as long as this one. (That's a rule.)

Suze said...

Remember: Even guilt is an illusion! ;)