Tuesday, August 04, 2009

In celebration of my 30th birhday (yes two moths later)...

The top 30 blessings, people and resources who have come into my life and most inspired me into a more blissful and enjoyable journey here since my birth on Earth:

1. Macie
2. Each and every one of my special, unique, beautiful friends (I don't want to run the risk of playing favorites, or forgetting to list anyone, so let's just say that you know who you are, and thank you!).
3. Starfire/LAUMC/Dirk & Carol Damonte
4. Groovelily
5. Ballroom/Social/Vintage Dance
6. Stinson Beach
7. Dar Williams
8. Animals
9. Santa Clara University
10. Soul Collages
11. The Story of Stuff
12. Nature/Field Journaling
13. Composting
14. Natural Swimming Holes
15. Grandma Shirley
16. Bikes
17. Crossroads (hurrah for recycled clothing)
18. My Little Ponies (and spending HOURS playing them with Agnes).
19. Home/School/Community gardens
20. No Impact Man
21. Kris Carr
22. NPR
23. EnviroWoman
24. Mindfulness Class (as taught by Shaylin Ebert)
25. Dirty Dancing
26. Kate Goldwater (Double hurrah for recycled clothing made by the coolest person ever!)
27. vegetarianism (and the Monterey Bay Aquarium for making me finally give up eating fish.)
28. Punky Brewster (My childhood idol)
29. Dharma & Greg (My adult idol)
30. Summer Spaghetti