Okay, so after a week of reading blog after blog, and several articles about people who have given up plastic and are fighting their consumeristic ways, I am hating everything that I own! I think that it also has something to do with the fact that moving, packing up, and schleping my belongings always tends to overwhelm me (and bring into stark spotlight) the amount of stuff that I actually own. I have too much stuff, whaaaa!!! and what I really want to do is give it ALL AWAY -all of it! Call up the Goodwill truck!
In all the boxing up, organizing, rearranging, etc. I was able to take inventory of the annoyingly large amount of crap I own. These are just some of the shocking things I discovered:
23 tubes of lip glosss, chapstick, etc. (just how many lips do I have?!?)
10 tubes/jars of hair product (I have crazy hair that needs management, but this is nuts!)
7 pairs of scissors (Really?!?)
10 highlighters
42 ballpoint pens (OMG! -I'm taking all but a few of these to work!)
Cathy, you don't need to buy anything, ever again! Just in case I need some motivation to resist my evil consumeristic ways I will watch this video: The Story of Stuff.
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