So, I'm just having one of those days when the state of the world seems so yucky, and I feel evil, consumeristic, fat, selfish, annoying, whiney, the cause of global warming, wasteful, and unfriendly. In reality it is probably just PMS casting a gloomy haze over my day, but my funk does make me wonder if I am doing enough to help stop polar bears from drowning, and the Northern Pacific Gyre of plastic from expanding. I want to fix it all, and I want to do it now! Here is my extreme top ten list of to do items for saving the world:
1. Eat a diet of food grown within a 250 mile radius (or let's just say all of California)
2. Eat 80% raw and 20% cooked food
3. Give up consuming any new petroleum based plastics
4. Only buy organic cotton if I "need" to buy cotton
5. Stop buying anything new
6. Eliminate garbage (sending anything to the landfill)
7. Buy only used/antique stuff
8. Give up my car and only bike/take public transportation
9. Give away everything I own (ha!)
10. Turn off the TV and give it away
So, a little ambitious are we? I feel so overwhelmed with feeling that I need to do it all, that I instead become paralyzed and do nothing. Which ones should I do? Where should I start?
Perhaps I could just start with a smaller goal of mine: meditate daily, and drink a green smoothie for breakfast.
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