Alright folks! After the past week of reading blogs, and watching heart-wrenching videos on Youtube, I feel awful about my plastics consumption. Therefore, I am giving up my delicious fresh salsa and hummus in plastic containers. This is just a small step in a journey of many, many steps in the future, but for now I'm putting the kibosh on my wonderfully delicious, HOT Casa Sanchez salsa from Whole Foods, and any creamy delicious (and highly addicting) fresh hummus in evil plastic containers.
Instead I'm going to sprout my own dried garbanzo beans in the new linen sprouting bags that I made last week and make my own raw, fresh hummus in large batches and freeze it in mason jars. Here are a few recipes that look easy and yummy:
As for the salsa, well, I guess that I have some options: (1) salsa in jars (not as yummy as fresh salsa & probably have plastic seals under the metal lids -darn!); (2) give up salsa (Pu-leeeze!); (3) make my own (I'll have to try that in the summer when I can get fresh, local, organic ingredients).
Sniff... sad to see you go lovely salsa and hummus, but I have me some Mother Earth to be a savin'!
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