Thursday, August 12, 2010

Agave is out!

Soooooo...after my adventures in no more refined sugar I felt awesome! Here is the story of my no more sugar lifestyle change and why. Sadly though, this summer I fell off the wagon, and I am aching to get back on ASAP. I have recently however heard some rumors that agave is no good for you, and that it is just as bad as hugh fructose corn syrup -ACK! That is no good. I have been doing some internet research (which of course is highly scientifically accurate) and found that agave indeed seems to be filled with fructose, which is pretty terrible for you, and can even cause cancer. Ugh! So agave, my friends, is now out!


Tandava said...

So if agave is out, what's in?

Thanks for being inspirational in resisting sugary stuff!

Cathy said...

Graham, thanks for thinking that I am so inspirational, but really this has been a summer or falling off the wagon and now trying to claw my way back on it. I really am addicted to sugar. Agave seemed like a wonderful alternative, but I guess it really is no good. Here is what I believe is "okay" to eat (based on no scientific research or anything else except how I feel -in my body- about it): honey, molasses, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, "grain sweetened", and date sugar.

Hope this helps! HUGS!