I spent this past weekend participating in a workshop at the beautiful, lovely, enchanting, magical
Esalen Retreat Center in glorious Big Sur. OMG was it amazing! As I was saying all weekend to everyone I met, "I feel like I have come home!" Esalen is truly a grounding, special place filled with people who feel like family, food that fills your belly as well as your soul, and nature that grounds you instantly upon arrival!
On Sunday afternoon when the time came to depart from this magical place, I felt a natural sadness that comes from leaving the safety and happiness of a place that seems so rich with life, and community where everyone is willing to be a mirror for love and acceptance for you. I was continually trying to delay my departure from Esalen, being scared of how I was going to take the beautiful feeling of community, stillness, love, and groundedness back into the minutiae of my everyday life.
I was sitting in their mineral hot spring tubs, conversing with a beautiful group of "friends" including my retreat leader from the weekend, and delaying (once again) the inevitable drive home and departure from this fairyland. We were discussing everything from painting, to consumerism, to book writing, to life themes, and I was basking in the glory of this experience and wishing that conversations like this happened more in "real" life.
Anyway, a beautiful friend to my right mentioned that we should all go home and watch "The Century of Self" online. This is a 4-part video documentary produced by the BBC. This documentary describes how Edward Bernays and his uncle Sigmund Freud used psychological techniques to create the desire to want and consume things. As mentor to Edward Bernays, Paul Mazer, is quoted in the movie:
"We must shift America from a needs to a desire country. People must be trained to desire. To want new things before the old had been entirely consumed. We must shape a new mentality in America. Man’s desire MUST overshadow his needs." (1920)
And the concept of consumerism was born. We've been brainwashing into believing that our identity is wrapped up in what be buy and how we present ourselves with things, and fashion. Objects become the symbols of how we are perceived by others.
Yow! So it's not entirely my fault that I am a selfish, consumeristic nutter who tries to project myself through the things I buy, own, and wear? Okay, so that makes me feel a bit better, but I still want to be back in the safe bubble of Esalen where you don't have to try and project yourself through your stuff, because the people who are there have the ability to transcend this, and see through that junk to the real you. That is the magic of Esalen. You can cut through the BS and just be you!
And here I am back in real life, trying to figure out how to be real without hiding behind the comfort of my stuff. Any help?
If anyone is interested in watching the 4-part documentary episodes of "The Century of Self" here they are. P.S. You will be sickened, and turned on your end after watching these:
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4