Hello Friends and Family,
As some of you may realize, my 32nd birthday is coming up on this Sunday, June 12th. This year I was hoping you could help me out with a very special birthday present. I realize that some of you may not have realized that my birthday was coming up, let alone planning on getting me a gift, but I hope that you will read on.
A few months ago I was reading the book, 500 Ways to Change the World, by Global Ideas Bank. This book is a chronicle of some incredibly lovely ideas for changing the world in a positive way. One of the ideas that this book suggests is to transform your birthday into a day of action for a cause that is meaningful to you.
As you know, I am very passionate about the care and welfare of animals (among other things), and I was hoping that you could help me make June 12th a day of Action for Animals. Instead of giving me a gift or a card I was hoping that this Sunday you could do something of service to animals, in honor of my birthday. Even if you weren’t planning on getting me a present anyway, I encourage you to “pay it forward” for animals.
Of course you don’t have to participate in this “Day of Action for Animals” if you don’t want to, and please don’t send me an actual gift just because I reminded you of my birthday. I would love, however to hear about what you decide to do, if you do participate in this project. No pressure! Posted below is a list of 9 ideas to help out animals, if you need some inspiration.
With love,
P.S. Please feel free to “steal” this idea for your own birthday if you like it!
9 Awesome Ideas to Help Animals
(Ranging from easy/free to ones that require more effort/money)
1. Click on these websites (or set one as your homepage!): The Animal Rescue Site, Care2's Race for Pets in Need, Freekibble and Freekibblekat. Each click is completely free. On Freekibble and Freekibblekat you get to answer a trivia question-and the cool part is-even if you miss it--you'll still help feed homeless pets just by clicking-plus you'll learn some interesting facts about doggies and kitties.
2. Use the search engine dogpile.com, and every time you do, you will help generate funds for the ASPCA and other organizations that help homeless pets. You can also make dogpile your home page if you like. The more you search, the more they rescue--and it won't cost you a penny.
3. Pick up a bag of trash at the beach or even in your neighborhood. Litter that finds it way into storm drains ends up in your local creeks, rivers, bays, and other waterways. Litter can be very hazardous to marine life when they mistakenly consume trash bits that resemble food.
4. Find out what's on your local shelter's wish list and donate some items. Needs may include: paper towels, newspaper, dog and cat toys, pet food, cleaning products, rubber tubs and collars/leashes. Another item that many shelters usually need are used/clean blankets and towels, so the pets won't have to sleep on a cold, cement floor.
5. Obtain a list of cruelty-free companies, and refer to it when you shop. If you have an iPhone you can download the FREE “Cruelty-Free” by Symbiotic Software LLC app and use it to find cruelty-free companies. You can also contact the following organizations for a free and comprehensive list of companies that do not test on animals (as well as a list of those that DO test): American Anti-Vivisection Society, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
6. Eat sustainable seafood. Search “Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch” online, and download the iPhone app or paper version of the Seafood Watch Card. Reference this card whenever you want to eat seafood, and support healthy fisheries, oceans, and waterways.
7. Go vegetarian (or vegan) for the day. Or longer??? Not only will you help animals, but you will also support a sustainable environment, as well as your own health!
8. Call and write companies that currently test products on animals. Let them know your values. Most companies have 800 numbers that you can call at no cost to you! Consumer pressure is why many cosmetics companies, such as Revlon, have switched to animal-free testing.
9. Write to your congressional representatives. Ask them to support any legislation that would discourage companies from using animals for safety tests or that calls for alternatives to animal testing. You can go to the Animal Welfare Institute’s website as well as the In Defense of Animal's website for a list of action alerts you can write to your representatives about. Animal Welfare Institute’s website: http://www.awionline.org click on “Act Now!” Click here for the In Defense of Animals Action Alerts site.
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