I think that I am going to make this as my birthday cake for my party. This recipe is from Cafe Gratitude.
"I am Awakening"
The Crust:
1.25 cups macadamia nuts
1.25 cups pecans
.25 well-packet, finely chopped dates
.25 teaspoon vanilla
.25 teaspoon salt
.75 cup lime juice
7.5 ounces avocado
.5 cup + 1 tablespoon agave nectar
.25 cup + 2 tablespoons coconut milt
.5 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lecithin
.5 cup + 1 tablespoon raw unscented coconut butter
.5 teaspoon Vitamineralgreen (optional)
"I am on Top" Meringue:
.75 ounce Irish Moss
.5 cup water
1 cup coconut milk
.5 cup coconut meat
.5 cup soaked cashews
.25 + 1 tablespoon agave nectar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
1.5 teaspoons lecithin
.5 cup coconut butter
half of the recipe for "I Am The Top" Meringue
1 lime and/or strawberries & mint
To make the crust:
In the bowl of your food processor fitted with the "S" blade, process pecans, macadamia nuts, vanilla, and salt until small and crumbly. Continue processing while adding small amounts of the chopped dates until crust sticks together. Press crust into greased (with coconut butter) 9-inch pie pan.
To make the filling:
Blend all ingredients except lecithin and coconut butter until smooth. Add lecithin and coconut butter, blending until well incorporated. Pour into prepared crust and set in fridge/freezer (for about an hour) until firm.
To make meringue:
Blend Irish moss and water until smooth and thick. Add coconut milk, meat, cashews, agave, lemon juice, vanilla, and salt. Blend until smooth. Add lecithin and coconut butter until well incorporated. Pour into a wise, shallow pan an set in fridge for up to 3 hours. When set, top pie; and if you like, peak with the back of a spoon.
Finishing it up:
Once the pie and meringue are set, spread a thin layer of meringue on top of the pie and decorate with lime or strawberry slices.